Tuesday 20 September 2016

LO2: Script inspiritions

My first inspiration that I have taken is from David Atennborough's Great Barrier reef. I have taken this as a example because of the layout of the documentary the way the voice over is used over the image that is shown has relevence to the scene that is shown.

The second example that I have looked at is a short documentary called "About A Girl" and this is about a young girl who has social problems, her dad does not want to see her and she talks about it. However the ways she talks is personal because of the slang that she uses makes this more believeable. The documentay that I am going to make will be a personal story about disability

The third example that I have looked at for isnspiration is "A Victim" this is about the story of divorce and how this impacts especially the young. I choose this becxause tis is hard hitting and looks at how powerful the script is and how emotional you feel after watching.


The fourth example that I have looked at for an inspiration is from Sherlock and the episode that I have looked at is "Blind Banker" and the reason for me to choose this was because of the layout of the script because this is a shooting script as well as a sript meaning that cut to is used just like I have planned to use in my script.  What makes this a good example is the overall layout of the script. This is a example that I have found from the BBC Script writers page.


The fith example that I have looked at is from 

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