Monday 26 September 2016


Name of the documentary

Me and my disability (cerebral palsy)

The films narrative/subject

The short film will be Josh Draycott and him telling us about his cerebral palsy and what he has been through to get where he is today at 19 years old. This will document his life from when he was young and getting used to the fact that he could not walk without his sticks to the fact now he uses them every day and does not really care about this fact that the sticks help him walk they have been part of his life for about 13 - 14 years.

The Genre

I think why I have chosen to do a social documentary rather than a crime or a horror short film is that I believe that because of me and Josh being good friends for the last 5 years and the fact that I have an idea of what I want to do rather than making up something that will take me longer to figure out and a documentary is something that I have not done before and yes it will be a challenge but garneted that this will be something that I will enjoy making.

The characters/organisation of people

The people that I will hope to use I this documentary will be Josh himself since this will be based on him. I also hope to use my friend Kyle Williams who knows him very well and would good to see from his point of view opinions about josh and what josh has inspired him to do in life and how he sees around his disability.

Brief synopsis

What I am going to do is to get josh to introduce himself and then also after this I will ask him a load of questions however at the same time of this show him doing the things he likes like going out for a drink going out places with his car like to Rother valley and also watching the football and him on his Xbox. Also to show what great achievements Josh has done to help the Sheffield Children's Hospital.


As it stands at the moment in time it is just myself on the production of this task so in this I will be making the story board and I will be also making the script to go with this. I will be locating where we will film and also I will be editing this afterwards.


The equipment that I will be hoping to use is a Canon 650 D camera which I will use two for different angles so it is not constantly the same shot all the way through. I am also going to need a X2 SD cards for the two cameras. I will also need two tripods as this will be what I need for the stabilisation of the shots. I may also need either a boom microphone a Rode microphone which will go on top of the camera and also possibly a clip on microphone one of them anyway. I may also need to use a white background so then this may make him stand out more which I can get from someone who I know who has one. I may also been in need of spare batteries because the last thing I need is for one to die and in a two way set up is not a good choice.

Production schedule

With the production of the short film what I will need to do first of all in to start writing the script for this production as these will be the questions that I will be asking those in front of the camera the questions. Next what I will be needing to do will be to create the storyboard so which shot is it how long is it going to last for is it going to be on camera one or two. Is it going to be low or high key lighting. What is the shot type going to be close up medium close up, long shot, wide shot or medium shot all this will be decided on the drawings and when I decide to put shots of Josh doing stuff over the top of Josh.

Hopefully by the end of mid September this should be done so this will mean that I can begin the filming of the documentary. This will be done of the course of the weekend of September when Sheffield Wednesday are not playing at home because as I understand Josh has a season ticket and so do I so this would be done possibly over two days sometime in late September early October and then hopefully the editing will commence October to mid late November.


The locations that I will hope to film will be in my bedroom as this is perfect for interview when I ask him questions as the lighting in my room is very good. I will also hoping to be filming at Josh's house to show him either watching the football and also him on his Xbox. I will also be hoping to be filming on the front of his drive to show his in his car and what that means to him. I will also like to film in the woods providing the location is not too muddy to show him walking around with his friends having a fun time.

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