Monday 12 September 2016

LO1: Understand scripted elements in a range of media products

Content and style

When looking at the different types of scripts from multiple platforms like documentary, radio broadcast, games script and TV news broadcast scripts usually the font is courier new and the font size is 12 as this font is a formal and the font and is easy to read for an actor.If there is a lot of text then this will be a lot easier to read. However, when looking at the scripts of a news broadcast/ live TV scripts because they are referencing live events these scripts can change and this is presented in a formal manor of correct pronunciation of words is spoken clearly and efficiently so the audience can understand what is being said. 

Looking at a gaming script for one of the examples this was put into a flow chart because in a game we would see multiple options for a player to choose depending on the options the game is giving you this is also known as escapism by Denis Mquail. The example I found for the gaming script is from Halo as this is a professional script matches the structure of the example I have found. When looking at a documentary script this is a different set up so there is a script on the right and then on the right there is where the voice over will start where we will see when the video of the documentary and then again voice over on the top. With a radio broadcast of a script this will be formally set out like a script for a play and they have character descriptions so the actors can get to know the character better and be able to connect with them as this is an example I have found from Summer nights from the BBC. On a TV news broadcast they will have a que on when to speak because if there is their is two of them presenting the news their names would be put first from the example I have looked at would also be on a teleprompter 

The mode of address for looking at a TV news broadcast will be teacher to pupil as they are providing information for us to look at as this is sourced from the BBC News, this is also the same format for the documentary they are telling us information about what is going on and we are then learning from this and also gathering new information. However, if you were to take a look at the script for a gaming script I would see this more as a parent to child as in this I look at the fact you have options to choose from and with this you are gaining information but not told which path way to select as this is down to you. Now with a radio broadcast this would be peer to peer as there are characters talking to others in the script. This is I have found in the radio drama Summer Nights as there are characters talking to other characters.   

Some of the scripts that I have looked at have stage directions because in a documentary there would be a section for dialogue which is known as the narration segment where the speaking part is said and when the actor is talking you can see that the dialogue is in the middle and should always be in the middle as this is very direct place for text. The next columns are visuals and on the top right there is INT/EXT which stands for interior and exterior and this is whether or not the location is inside or outside. This is also known as the sequence location. To the left of this column there is from the example I have taken uses CU which is known as a close up and this is meant this is a shooting script so this helps the camera operator know what shot type this is. On the right hand side of this column editing and the example for this is dissolve to so the editor knows which editing technique to use and when to use it. On the third and final column which is sound to the right is FX which is the effects for the diegetic and non-diegetic and the example given is "echoing footsteps on the floor" and then music is played after this part which will be useful for the editor because the then knows when to add the music. 

The structure for the radio drama script is an one-page layout instead of a three-page column like the documentary. This in an extract I have taken from Summer Nights a radio drama script from the BBC. The name of the actor that is speaking is to the left and also the dialogue stars from the right and then FX to the left as well so then the sound engineer can add any effects to make the it more effective as a radio drama. The gaming documentary script is a similar format to the documentary because there is a structure the same as a documentary where the left hand side has dialogue the middle has editing techniques and this will be for the animation in the game between the levels. On the right hand side has editing techniques. Again this would be all used for the animation in the gameplay.

Narrative Structure

For the radio drama from the script the example that I have taken from the first two pages seem as though that the structure from this appears to be single standard and we follow the protagonist and we get to know them better as we are listening to them talk and we can empathise from them and look at them at a different perspective. This script appears to be in chronological order so there is a beginning a middle and end just because of the first two pages he is starting his day in the garden. A video game script can sometimes be multi standard but then sometimes there are single stranded games like Lara Croft tomb raider where we follow her on her adventure to the tomb and is mainly just following her as the main protagonist. In this game and this game is a linear game as this has a structure to it a beggining midle and the end. Halo five is multi stranded meaning there is more tham one protagonist as this creates more of a specticle and makes this more dramatic to the story line.

With a TV/news broadcast does not have a narrative structure, but what it does have is a running order of stories as there is a main headline there is also smaller side stories as this features who, what, where, when and why all news/Tv broadcast and with the main headline this gets more air time and is the most important news that could affect us. A documentary script is mostly focused on one main protagonist as within this we can look at thier perscpecive as the way we think or judge them. This also has a linear structure because this has a beginning, middle and end.


The type of genre that the TV/News would fit into would be non-fiction as these news story's that appear are real life stories they are real. Where as most radio broadcats for a drama are fictional as they are made up although some are based on a true story meaning that they are non-fictional but a majority of them are fictional. This is the same with video games most of the video games this are fictional and an example of this would be Halo 5 a completly made up story about the protagonist the masterchief who is trying to find his old companion Cortana. However some video games like Call of duty World at War have based their games on non-fictional time era and give gamers the opportunity to see what it was like in World War Rwo. A documentary tends to be non fictional because usually they are based on a true story and we get to see things we would never thought we would imagined like Ross Kemp in Afghanistan. This was then defined by a type of genre as a type or kind  Barry Keith Grant 1995.

Target Audience      

Depending on the type of the scrpit does depend on the type of people that watch it like for example a David Attenborough documentary would be for people over the age of fiftey mianly not the twelve plus audience. yes that would be the lowest age for watching the documentary but males 75% to 25% and their interests will be walking in the landscape and gardening and from the age of this these will be quite upper class poeple mainly A and B. These types of people would be in the survalence gategory because they would watch a documentary. However these types of people would also tend to watch the news. This is then aimed for a mass audience as many people will be interested in the news however depending on the type of documentary for example a David Attenborough documentary would be for a mass audience.  A radio drama from the example of Summer Nights I would see this as for poeple over the age of 40 and would see more of a female dominance of 75% to 25% and A,B and C1 high class to lower and the intersects of these people would be shopping and gardening. This is part of of escapism to escape from real life close your eyes and listen to the radio.

These types of radio broadcasts especially for a radio drama they tend to be on BBC radio 4 for a niche audience and sometimes for local news/dramas this would be for a niche audience. This lifestyle of gender, age and Geographic’s would be based on the local town and this was by the theorist Denis Mquail uses of gratification. As part of a game script, this is based for gamers and this would be 80%male and 20% female as stereotypical men like gaming and women like shopping. The interests of these people will be gaming and/or interested in which is part of escapism because people will want to get away from real life and this allows them to sit back and relax. These games target a niche audience pretty much international like Call of Duty a huge franchise where as you have smaller independent companies who target small niche audience because of the games they produce and rely on the people to spread the word.     

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