Wednesday 23 November 2016

LO4: Be able to revise the scripted element using client feedback

Jake Fields LO4 Unit 11

Have needs/ expectations been met for the client brief and target audience?

For this assignment I have been asked to create a script for my documentary I am making called "Me And My Disability". This is about a 19 year old called Josh who has a physical disability called Cerebral Palsy and this is about how Josh has got to where he has today living with his disability. He talks about his struggles with his disability and how he gets around those problems.

An example from my script specifically aimed at Josh and his Cerebral Palsy was Josh, tell me more about how you came around knowing you had Cerebral Palsy Josh replied I did not know I had Cerebral Palsy until I was around 2 years old because fortunately for me I have a twin brother who had already started walking and I was having difficulties that is why my parents began to question if there was something wrong with me and why I was not standing. This then turned out to be Cerebral Palsy.    

My target audience for my documentary are 12+ mature because of the content included maybe to sensitive for anyone under this age.  People ranging from lower to middle to upper class A,B,C1,C2,D because this is aimed at people who may share the same disability are who want to learn more about the cerebral palsy. Aimed at both genders and is for people of any lifestyle. The target audience who may be wondering what challenges he faces there is in the script a question on this What challenges does he face on a daily basiswhich he explained I do not really face that many challenges on a daily basis yes walking at times can be an issue cant really walk for a large amount of time but to what people think that are challenges to me I do not think they are.    

What were the clients likes and dislikes
 My client liked the fact I had a good balance of the fact Josh in this represents a typical teenager just because he has Cerebral Palsy it does not let him struggle in life and my client agreed that this shows representation. Maybe add some non-diegetic incidental music to connote the sombre tone of Josh talking about his disability. Having it fade in and out I think the best to add this would be suited at the start at the introduction to introduce the documentary and also at the end for credits. I think by adding some non-diegetic incidental music this will give a strong impact into josh's life and also effect on the audience and this will give them their own opinion on josh. It is important I have a strong narrative because this has to touch people to the heart and not just to look at josh and say he has a disability ignore him but to actually what he has done in his life more than what other people have done in their lives. The dialogue used in the script is informal and is all natural nothing fake all genuine dialogue because this is a documentary

What are the relevant changes that need to made to the script?

The relevant changes that would need to be changed in order to make this a shooting script from the advice I was given from The Writers Group would be to make sure the format of the script is to the correct standard so the style is correct shot types are places in the right places to the right and include cut away to not just cut to mention what it's cutting away to. On the right is where all the camera shots are used where the special effects are used and also where the special effects are used. The Writers Group did mention about if there was music included in the documentary what type of music would be used which I replied and said that I would look to use some instrumental background music nothing with any lyrics more orchestral music something subtle and the represents Josh.    

Is the content of the product correct 

The language used in the script is informal language as I wanted to make this feature as Josh not another person who has a disability I wanted to make this genuine so to create this I got Josh to talk as he normally would. The house style of the script is formatted in a courier font and size 12 and this is a professional script format used by those in the industry. This script with all the improvements from The Writers Group now looks like a shooting script. This is because the overall structure of the script has camera directions including camera angles, movements and shot types so the camera operator and director knows what shot for what scene. The time of the day has been used in the script the specific location has been used in the script as this has used not only the location of the area but the street name as well.  All of these I have included making this a shooting script.  

The modes of address that I have tried to include in this peer to peer because we get Josh talking to us about his disability. But I also see this as teacher to pupil as we gain a lot of information about Josh. One of the questions that was used in the documentary script was Josh what do you like to do in your spare time some of your hobbies and interestJosh answered Some of things I like to do are going to watch the football Sheffield Wednesday are the team of my choice had a season ticket for as long as I can remember

Does it meet legal/ ethical requirements? 

I would say that this is sensitive for some children under the age of 18 but over the age of 12 because this can be a touchy subject for some and also people under the age of 12 may not understand the whole cerebral palsy situation. This is why from the list below form the BBFC (British Board of Film Classification) website this guides what a 12 should include but my production does not have any discriminatory language used to offend anybody there is no use of drugs no swaring throughout the script no nudity or sex involved no threats or violoence. You may see some of the in other documentaries but because of the subject matter I believe that this would be appropriate for 12 and over because some people may find this upsetting


I would say that this would be appropriate for pre-watershed times as this does not show discrimination of cerebral palsy or against anyone who has a disability and also this has no inappropriate language used in the documentary. All the language used in this is clean. 
Because I am going to use music in my documentary. The song that I would choose to use in this documentary would be Everglow by Coldplay the instrumental music as this is a very uplifting song and there is a light at the end of the tunnel for Josh. The record label I would make contact with is Paraphone to see if their is any negotiations needed to clear any wrong doings with copyright. This is important because if you used music without permission this could get me in legal trouble because the company not by me owns the song. Also if I am making money off of this I could go to court  However to be more realistic with the budget I have I would find a song in the Creative Commons by using soundcloud and look for music that would seem appropriate.

What I have had to do is prevent any slander in my documentary script about disability by going through the script with josh and asking him all of the questions and this was to see if any of them were offensive towards Josh and his disability but also disability in general. I did just want to be carful about discrimination and how this would affect him personally  


LO4: Production Schedule

Tuesday 22 November 2016

LO4: Revised Script

The appealing part in my script is the dialouge that is used throughout the script informal language 
 spoken by Josh in his own words about his disability which is important because this is about him and needs to be genuine so that the target audience have a better understaning of Josh and his disability. To understand how he deals with his disbaility in a posotive light and his words to others who have the same condition or those wanting to know more about his disability. 

The script fits the genre of documentray because of the amount of voice overs, cut scenes, shots, locations also noted in the script and the dialouge used. The structure is of a film shooting script but making it this was easier for me to structure this way for when I did the interview with Josh.